May 29, 2022

Author: Vitéz Lehel Székely, Lieutenant
On the Heroes’ Day, the Order of Vitéz laid a wreath in Törökszentmiklós, organized by the Staff Captaincy of East Hungary Region and the lieutenancies of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok and Békés counties. In Kenderes, after visiting the Maritime Exhibition Hall and the Horthy Castle, we also laid a wreath on the grave of Miklós Horthy, the founder of our Order.
Our event was honored by the presence of Vitéz Ádám Berniczei-Roÿkó, Deputy Captain General of the Order of Vitéz, Staff Captain of Hungary and the Vitéz Csaba Horváth, Censor of the Seat, as well as several members of our Order.
Glory to the Heroes!