February 22, 2022

Author: Vitéz György Palásthy de Palásth et Keszihócz OESSH, Seat Captain of Russia Region
On February 18, 2022, in the banquet hall of the Russian Cultural Center, a ceremonial meeting was held on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Hungarian Cossack Stanyica (Military Foreign Representation). The Order of the Vitéz’s delegation to the Hungarian Hussar and Military Association Preservation of Traditions was led by Dr. Vitéz Ádám Berniczei-Roykó de Bernicze, Deputy Captain General, Staff Captain of Hungary.
After the formal sitting, a distinguished discussion took place.
The Hungarian Hussar and Military Traditions Association like many umbrella organizations, domestic and cross-border Associations for Preservation of Traditions alike, signed and prepared cooperation agreements with several organizations from the Cossack historical community.
In this international cooperation alliance, The Hungarian Hussar and Military Tradition Association recommended partnership with the legitimate Order of the Vitéz within the Coordinating Council which had the following objective:
Guided by responsibility for the future of Christianity, taking into account the similarity of views, the military and patriotic traditions of Hungary and Russia’s historical heritage, as well as pursuing advance in preservation of traditions, confirmed by their signature, the Parties took into account mutual interests within the framework of this agreement expressed long-standing friendship intend to cooperate and provide mutual assistance.
The legitimate Order of the Vitéz as a worthy guardian and representative of military, national and patriotic traditions, places great emphasis on cultivating relations with associations and communities with like-minded partners in worldview and national commitment, for in this cooperation, sharing mutual thoughts and compassion, the future of Hungary depends.
This is particularly relevant in the Prime Minister’s annual briefing, but even more significant in the light of his speech raising awareness: “… Latin Christianity in Europe can no longer stand on its own feet. Orthodoxy, without an alliance with Eastern Christians, will barely survive in the decades to come.“
The Captain General of the Legitimate Order of the Vitéz and his deputy approved my participation as the official representative of Order of the Vitéz at the inaugural meeting of the Coordination Council, and to move forward with tasks regarding mutual agreements on preservation of traditions as well.
The inaugural meeting of the Coordinating Council was honored by the presence of Dr. Vitéz Ádám Berniczei-Roykó de Bernicze, Deputy Captain General, Staff Captain of Hungary of the legitimate Order of the Vitéz, and his esteemed wife.