September 22, 2024

Author: Vitéz Attila Szakál
On September 20, 2024, the presentation of the newly published book “Count István Tisza, the Martyr” by vitéz Bánó Attila, Historian Staff Captain, took place in Nagyvárad (Oradea). The event was hosted in the auditorium of the Lorántffy Zsuzsanna Reformed Church Center.
The book launch was attended by László Tőkés, bishop of the Reformed Diocese of Királyhágómellék, former Member of the European Parliament, along with many vitéz, just as they were present at the spring launch of “Miklós Horthy, the Patriot”, another book authored by vitéz Bánó Attila.
Both books were well received by the audience of Nagyvárad, also proven by the full-house attendance at both presentations. We can thank the organization of the event to the regional lieutenant, vitéz Szakál Attila.