March 27, 2022

Author: Vitéz Nob. Róbert Boronkay, Staff Captain International Relations and Units Abroad
Over the past few days I was guiding and shooting for HIRH Joseph Karl von Habsburg-Lothringen, Archduke of Austria, Royal Prince of Hungary and his family and for the Order of Vitéz (Hungarian: Vitézi Rend) in attendance was also honoured guest HE the Hungarian Ambassador to Malta. It was a huge team effort led by my good friend Seat captain of Malta Marco Spiteri Binett.
We had an amazing program from start to finish which included an investiture into the Vitézi Rend on Saturday. The program started with a wreath laying ceremony for the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 we then visited various sites throughout Valletta, Rabat and Mdina. This program culminated in an investiture of a number of Maltese into the Vitézi Rend.
Each and every person from the last few days from various countries I now get to call my friends. Other than being with good people, I love the cultural and historical threads, hearing the personal stories and learning first hand from primary sources.
These events help to further explore, educate and further spread the cultural few way tentacles and niche tourism for Malta and in this case Hungary, Sweden and Germany too.
Photo: Vitéz Martin Bonnici