March 24, 2025

Author: Dr. Vitéz Ádám Berniczei-Roykó, Deputy Captain General
The “Laurel of Dante” is a highly prestigious international award dedicated to keeping alive the memory, tradition, and legacy of the great Italian poet Dante Alighieri.
The awarding ceremony took place in Ravenna, beside Dante’s tomb at the Basilica of Saint Francis. Following the success of the 2024 award ceremony, which honoured Nobel Prize laureate Jon Fosse, the 2025 edition saw an expansion of award categories. Now, in addition to crowning a prominent contemporary poet or writer with Dante’s laurel wreath, the award also recognizes other outstanding individuals who embody Dante’s spirit and heritage. Only three recipients are selected annually.
Dr. lit. Vitéz Conte Pierfelice degli Uberti, born in Casale Monferrato, is one of the world’s leading experts in documentary historical sciences, particularly in heraldry, genealogy, nobiliary law, as well as orders of chivalry and award systems. Being a scholar, he holds a doctorate in literary studies, serves as a university professor, and is an internationally sought-after visiting lecturer. Additionally, he is the president of the Confédération Internationale de Généalogie et d’Héraldique (CIGH), the International Commission for Orders of Chivalry (ICOC), and the Italian Institute of Heraldry and Genealogy (IAGI).
Our heartfelt congratulations to Dr. lit. Vitéz Conte Pierfelice degli Uberti, Staff Captain of Italy Region, on receiving this prestigious honor! Bravo!