“Oh, if I could go with you, fair Hungarian warriors, nice heroes.” – János Arany, Toldi
The Order of Vitéz is open for applications from ladies and gentlemen who meet the Order’s requirements. There are four ways to enter the Order.
a) Vitéz of Justice earned and awarded by the applicant’s own merit. This applies to those who fought in WW I or WW II and were awarded an order of bravery. This means usually that at least the Bronze Medal of Bravery for troop ranks and Silver Medal of Bravery for officers. In addition, NCO´s Freedom fighters of 1956 can also be awarded the “Vitéz” title.
b) Vitéz of Justice, earned by heredity. A direct ancestor had been awarded the title of Vitéz, and by claiming the title on the base of inheritance, at the age of 17 years, descendants can apply and after admission they can carry on with the tradition of the Vitéz.
Vitéz by Grace. By the decision of the Captain General, supported by the Seat (the Council of the Order), new applicants and former honorary members of exceptional merit may be awarded the title of “Vitéz” in front of the name. The successor becomes a candidate for vitéz of justice, and this right is inherited later.
Honorary Vitéz. Applicants who have shown outstanding interest and sympathy with Hungary and the Hungarian nation and, and had already shown great efforts and carried out activities in the interest of the Hungarian country, nation, culture and history as well as in that of the Order itself (including applicants of non-Hungarian origin), can achieve honorary membership. Authorized to use the title “Vitéz”.
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