21 October, 2021

On the ecclesiastical holiday of beatific King Charles IV, we commemorate the fact that the last, holy monarch of Hungary spent his last days in Hungary at the Tihany Abbey, 100 years ago, on 26–31 October, 1921. then he was forced into exile.
Among the participants, representing the Association of Hungarian Historical Families was vitéz Archduke József Károly von Habsburg-Lothringen, royal prince of Hungary, Captain General of the Order of Vitéz and his eldest son vitéz Archduke József Albert, royal prince of Hungary, dr. vitéz nob. chev. Ádám Berniczei-Roykó and his wife, vitézt nob. dame Ágnes Berniczei-Roykó.
The Mass can be viewed on the abbey’s Youtube channel.
The Magyar Kurír Catholic News Portal published a long report on the festive event, with a picture gallery.