March 18, 2025

Author: Vitéz Nob. Gábor Hegyi de Agyagfalva
Hungarians all over the world commemorate the 1848–49 revolution and war of independence. It was no different for Hungarians living in North Rhine-Westphalia. Organized by the Main Consulate of Hungary, a gathering was held in Düsseldorf to remember the events that took place 177 years ago. After a welcome speech by Consul General Gergő Szilágyi, festive speeches were delivered by László Papp, Mayor of Debrecen and Michael Dreier, Mayor of Paderborn, followed by the awarding of Margit Keikutt. The evening concluded with an outstanding concert by Zoltán Tordai violinist from Debrecen, and a reception. The Order of Vitéz was represented by Staff Captain Vitéz Gábor Hegyi.