April 15, 2023

“There should be hundreds and hundreds of such and similar events between the Hungarian and Croatian nations.”
– Said vitéz count Márió Festetics de Tolna at the commemoration.
On Saturday, April 15, 2023, from 2 p.m., in the village of Skaricsevo, which belongs to the city of Krapina, at the chapel on the property of the Halper family, an international military memorial ceremony took place – for the legitimate Order of Vitéz of the Tengermellék and Territorial Staff Captaincy of the Croatian Order of Vitéz: count vitèz staff captain Márió Festetics de Tolna, with the participation of vitéz Márton Inkei-Farkas seat captain , vitéz Adrienne Horváth and vitéz Barbara Balatonyi.
The integrative power of the celebrated noble Szigethy Halper Marcell, the imperial and royal infantry colonel, had an elemental force on the participants even from the perspective of 100 years. The common hero of the Hungarian and Croatian nations, having fought all the battles of the World War, in November 1918 led his regiment, the 48th Zala soldiers, from the Italian front to Nagykanizsa, fully armed and in order.
After the celebratory speeches, the trilingual Croatian-Hungarian-German memorial plaque of colonel Szigethy Halper Marcell was unveiled and consecrated in the presence of representatives of the Hungarian and Croatian Ministries of Defence, diplomats and local government leaders, as well as the Halper family, the legitimate Order of Vitéz and traditionalists.
Thanks to the president of the Zalaszántó Local Patriot Association, Tibor Szekér Pini, who organized the event.
At the end of the commemoration, we laid a wreath at the resting place of the brave regimental commander in the picturesque Halper chapel. Glory to his memory!
A report on the event can be found on the website of the Hungarian Defense Forces:
Short film produced by HM Zrínyi Nonprofit Kft., entitled “Remembering is not only a task, but also a duty”: